Don’t feel like yourself anymore?

Done saying “WTF” every time a new symptom shows up?

Are doctors saying everything is “normal” when you’re still not feeling well?

You’ve come to the right place.

Hello, I’m Crystal!

I specialize in helping women like yourself feel energized, focused, and empowered. You will not only feel comfortable in your own body but will THRIVE and have the energy to tackle every day.

As a pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner, I uncover nutrient deficiencies and why your gut and hormones are so wonky all while guiding you towards a sustainable, nourishing diet and lifestyle.

Where to start?

Grab that delicious large iced vanilla latte with almond milk (ok, ok how do you take your coffee?) and jump on a call with me!

This call is all about YOU. I want to hear what’s been troubling you, what you want to work on, and how you want to feel… and for real, how do you take your coffee?

But let’s think… how would life be if you didn’t take the leap to finally do something for yourself? I’ll tell ya, crap won’ t change until you do.

Functional medicine is a health care practice that attempts to understand and resolve the underlying root causes of imbalance and illness in the body.

The goal is not to dwell on a diagnosis or a label but to look at you as a whole, unique person.

I will look into your lifestyle, environment, childhood history, diet, sleep, etc. and draw some connections.

I want to work together and focus on healing and preventing symptoms so you can prevent them from turning into disease.

Please keep in mind: while I can work collaboratively with you and your other practitioners, functional medicine is in no way a replacement for conventional medicine.

What is Functional Medicine?

Is functional health coaching for you?

You have constant fatigue, brain fog, depression and/or anxiety…

need caffeine to get through your day…

have all symptoms pointing to thyroid issues…

don’t feel like yourself anymore…

have bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, and/or constipation…

have tried everything to lose weight and it still won’t budge…

have terrible PMS and cramps…

are suddenly allergic to your favorite foods…

but your blood work comes back “normal” and your doctors tell you everything is fine…

I’m here to help.

With my program, you are not purchasing my time. You are investing in someone who is about to consolidate and asses your entire life’s medical history and put in the research to create a personalized plan to reduce your risk for future disease, extend your life, and improve the overall quality of your daily experiences.

Ready to schedule a call?

Kickstart calls are FREE and allow us to see if we’re a good fit together!

I’ll listen to your health concerns and goals and go over my process and plan for you!